BC Hunting Master Package (PAL + CORE)

The Canadian Non-Restricted Firearms Safety Course (CFSC) is required if you’re interested in obtaining your Possession and Acquisition License (PAL) for non-restricted firearms. PLUS The C.O.R.E (Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Education) is required for anyone aged 10 & older to obtain a B.C. Resident Hunter Number Card. Course length: 16 hours Location: #212 – 17655 57 Ave, Cloverdale, […]

C.O.R.E. Weekend Hunting Course

The C.O.R.E. (Conservation and Outdoor Recreation Education) course is required for anyone aged 10 & older to obtain A Fish and Wildlife ID (FWID) CORE Course covers: Conservation Ethics Laws and Regulations First-Aid and Survival Firearm Safety Animal and Bird Identification Indigenous Rights The Cost includes CORE manual and test fees.

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